Our purpose
We believe we are on the cusp of a once-in-a-hundred-year moment - a crossroads of energy, artificial intelligence, finance and buildings - which requires us to break from past models, to build the post-fossil fuel economy.
Our mission
We advocate for a clean, resilient, smart and inclusive energy system and we help create the governance and innovation needed to build it.
We see affordable energy as a basic right.
We uphold energy efficient, smart-enabled buildings as a vital infrastructure for net zero.
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
— Buckminster Fuller
How do we get there?
Connect the dots
We bring people together who don’t usually mix, translating jargon and forging breakthroughs by challenging assumptions. We amplify the voices of innovator start-ups and groups who are often left out of policy discussions and system design.
Measure what matters
Current market monitoring tells us little about how digital and energy transitions are experienced and galvanised. We investigate the common language, metrics and governance needed to define inclusive innovation and measure progress.
Build the new model
We piece together the values, rights, incentives and institutions required to form the building blocks of our new business and social models, mapping a cross-sectoral theory of change to inform next steps.