Southend-on-Sea Borough Council (SBC) is leading the REMeDY consortium and contributing to validation of the REMeDY model, engagement with local community, and a case study. A key stakeholder is South Essex Homes who are providing insights to inform the application of the model to residential retrofit.
UEA is developing, validating and testing the AI prediction and control solutions for integrated energy systems.
SMS is leading the development of the technical designs and electrical metering infrastructure, assessing financial viability, developing business models.
Imperial College London is developing the impact assessment methodology for the REMeDY solution at both the local and national level (modelling, analysis of operation and economics of energy system).
FutureGov is leading on the engagement with potential REMeDY solution customers including developers, social housing providers and energy consumers.
Vital Energi is responsible for the development of designs of heat network infrastructure, along with supporting the consortium with development of new business models for the supply of affordable low carbon heat.
Places for People (PfP) is a key stakeholder and will explore the application of the model in their portfolio outside of Southend.
Energy Unlocked is leading on public engagement and developing a case study that will include all the process and lessons learned during the REMeDY project, and supports Southend-on-Sea Borough Council in ensuring REMeDY is linked into its broader net zero strategy.